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Tips for Choosing New Windows for Your Home

Tips for Choosing New Windows for Your Home

These days, windows come in a large variety of shapes, styles, and sizes which means that the options are endless to choose windows that reflect your lifestyle and decor. This can also feel overwhelming when you are trying to make the best investment for your home. Here are some simple tips to consider when choosing new windows for your home:

1. Materials – Work with a contractor or window company to familiarize yourself with the materials available for windows. The most popular materials are vinyl, fiberglass, aluminum, and wood. Wood was the most commonly used material for many years, but vinyl offers durability and energy efficiency along with low maintenance. Ask questions to find the right windows that will look and perform their best.
2. Location – Consider the direction which your windows face and how much sunlight they will be exposed to. While allowing that beautiful natural light into the room looks appealing, you do not want to end up with too much hot sun causing your furnishings to fade. Windows that offer Low-E glass are a great option since they reduce UV light which will then protect your belongings.
3. Style – Choose windows which will blend well with the style of your home, both inside and out. Whether you prefer classic or modern, with grilles or without, the design can be customized to best suit your home. Window hardware can also coordinate with the other hardware in your home, so consider consistency by matching the hardware to your cabinetry and other fixtures. Finally, color is a great way to either keep your windows classic or customize the style to reflect your unique home.