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How Important is Car Maintenance in Avoiding Auto Repair?

take it to a qualified local auto repair shop

Perhaps you have heard the bizarre statement that modern cars are so dependable that they are practically maintenance-free. But is it really bizarre, or does it have a grain of truth? When it comes to car maintenance, you really don’t want to fall for some myth that could endanger something you have so much invested in and need to rely upon.

However, there really is a little bit of truth in this statement because in some ways, car maintenance is simpler than it used to be. For example, cars used to need chassis lubrication, but now they are made with self-lubricating materials, and the joints are all sealed. Another example is that with electronic ignition, there is no longer the need for replacing points.

On the other hand, in some ways, today’s vehicles need even more car maintenance to prevent auto repair. For example, skipping an oil change can have more disastrous effects due to parts that are more vulnerable to oil sludge than in the past. Furthermore, the cost to have an auto repair shop replace some parts is extremely high, so regular car maintenance is definitely more vital to avoiding hefty auto repair bills.

When it comes to thinking about what car maintenance should be done, think about the extra taxation that your vehicle goes through with different temperatures and changing seasons. It may not be ready for an oil change or other car maintenance based on mileage, but that extra time that it runs to warm up in cold weather and the extra strain from running the air conditioner in hot weather can make the oil need changing sooner than normal.

If you want to be sure that your vehicle is ready for the next season, take it to a qualified local auto repair shop to check all the components and make sure your vehicle is good to go.