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6 Things That Septic Tank Cleaning Cannot Fix

regular maintenance and septic tank cleaning

When you have a septic system in your home you may wonder what things you can and cannot do. Even with regular maintenance and septic tank cleaning there are some things that will damage your septic system. Here are 6 things that even regular septic tank cleaning cannot fix.

  1. More Usage: If you are having more people in your home for an extended period of time, the septic tank may not be able to keep up with the demand. Make sure to increase the size of the septic tank accordingly.
  2. Park on The Drain field: While a drain field is a large open space, it is meant for a specific purpose and should not be viewed as an empty field. You should not drive over or park on your drain field.
  3. Treat the Drain field Like a Park: You should leave the drain field be, and not add a sprinkler system, trees, or other plants to it to make it more usable. It also should not feature any park features or paths.
  4. Careless When Cooking: After you cook make sure to throw away all food scraps and trash. Food and oils can cause problems with the pipes.
  5. Be Hard on Bathrooms: Not wasting water is important, so do not let sinks drip and toilet flow. Make sure to only send toilet paper and wastewater down the toilet, and do not send anything down drains that can be thrown away.
  6. Chemicals: Always be careful what chemicals get sent down the drain. Be cautious of drain cleaner usage and avoid water softeners.

There are many rules that go with owning a septic tank, but they are easy to follow if you know them. Just be aware that if you break the rules things will go wrong even with regular septic tank cleaning.