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4 Signs You Need Roofing Services

4 Signs You Need Roofing Services

It can be difficult to know when your roof needs a repair, and it can be easy to ignore it. Checking on your roof once a month, and especially after storms or inclement weather, is a good way to keep track of when it’s time for roofing services. Here are some things to look for to know when it’s time to call a professional.

  1. Damaged Shingles – If your shingles are broken, cracked, or missing, this is a good indication it is time to call the professionals for roofing help. Missing shingles can lead to bigger problems, such as leaks and water damage.
  2. Water Damage – If you notice a leak or water damage coming from your ceiling, check the attic and roof for the source. Water damage can cause problems to the foundation and structural integrity of your home. If you have a roof leak it is time for a repair.
  3. An Old Roof – Roofs are designed to last a long time, but if your roof is significantly older than 15-20 years it may be time to think about a new roof. Schedule roofing services for an inspection to find out the condition of your roof.
  4. Natural Disasters – If a natural disaster occurs, such as a bad storm or a tree damages part of your roof, it is important that you handle the situation right away. Call an emergency roofing company to help fix the problem.

These are four tell-tale signs that it is time to call the roofing experts to help with your problem. Regularly check your roof for signs of wear and tear that may need to be fixed.