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Tips from a Professional Insulation Contractor

insulation contractor

It is not uncommon for a homeowner to sit back and put all the blame for a high heating or cooling bill on the shoulders of the utility company. The reality is that many homes, especially older ones, are quite deficit when it comes to having proper insulation. If you mother ever told you to close the door because she wasn’t paying to cool or heat the outdoors, you should take that to heart because that is what you are doing if you have insufficient insulation. Here are a few tips that a professional insulation contractor would tell you about making a change at your home.

  1. Seal Your Home – Even a newer home can have drafts coming from windows, doors, vents, and ducts. A house can shift and settle over time, leaving small gaps where you’ll need additional insulation or other sealant to get your home energy-efficient again.
  2. Professional Inspection – Have a professional perform an energy audit on your home to find any problem areas, such as insufficient insulation in the attic or a damp, drafty crawlspace. Have them ascertain the R-value of the current insulation to determine if it is sufficient for your area. Insulation can degrade over time, and they can make recommendations for how to increase the R-value to give you a more energy-efficient and comfortable home.
  3. Use the Right Insulation – There are many different types of insulation with properties and applications that make them the best for certain areas of your home. Your insulation contractor is your best source for valuable information about the newest and best products on the market.

It costs enough as it is to heat and cool your home, so perhaps it is time to listen to your mother and stop paying to send your warm or cool air outdoors. It is certainly worth the time to meet with an insulation contractor to learn more.