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4 Tips for Lowering Your Heating Bills This Winter

keep your heating bills down this winter

When the weather turns chilly, that’s when you turn up the heat. But this can lead to really expensive heating bills. Below are four tips that you can use to keep your heating bills down this winter.

  1. Lower the Thermostat

When you lower your thermostat, you’ll be saving as much as 3% on your home heating bill. When you lower your thermostat down to 55 during the night will save you around 13%. During the daytime, put on warm clothing like sweaters, slippers or thick socks and long pants to help you save money while staying warm.

  1. Seal the Chimney Flue If You’re Not Using It

When you leave the flue open all the time, it’s just like opening up your window a few inches. You’re going to let the warm air go out of the house and let the cold air in. It’s also important to check the vent of your dryer’s also properly closing.

  1. Circulate Air with Fans

Set fans on the low setting so that air is circulated upward. This is going to force warm air that’s rising and getting trapped downward. This will make your house feel much warmer.

  1. Keep Radiators and Vents Clear

Make sure that your vents aren’t being blocked by anything like furniture or carpeting. You also want to make sure that you’re not having any big objects blocking a radiator. Ensuring the path is clear will allow free air circulation so that you can enjoy the heat without straining the furnace.

Use these four tips to keep your heating bills down this winter. You’ll be warmer and happier.