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Can Granite Countertops Go Out of Style?

Granite countertops have been all the rage in kitchens for a while now. Between their durability and style, they seem like the obvious choice for a top-tier countertop that feels like it could outlast the home. But the big question is, will they go out of style or will granite countertops make like blue jeans and stay in vogue. Here are a few reasons why granite countertops are here to stay.

  • Durability: Of course, as mentioned above, granite countertops are in style because of how solid and sturdy they are. They are scratch resistant, heat resistant, and resistant to basically anything except certain cleaning chemicals. Abide by the rules of care and your granite countertop can look brand new for years.
  • Design: The classic design of granite countertops is stylish to many, but will it always be seen as stylish? The short answer is no, but as time goes on more granite will be quarried and it will change styles. Granite will change its design, so granite can possibly continue being relevant for a long time to come.
  • Natural: Granite is a natural resource that has style that dates back way before humans were mining it. Similar to how wood is always in style, in different colors and species, it will always be popular. And granite is the same way, and probably will not go out of style even if certain patterns do.

While granite countertops can outlast you, they might not outlast the trend. While granite may undergo some changes in its effort to be popular, granite countertops will most likely remain something a kitchen aspires to have.