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Why Everybody Is Talking About Ceramic Pro Coating

Ceramic Pro coating is resistant to water

You may have heard people talking about how they got a Ceramic Pro coating for their car, or even seen an ad for a used car with the Ceramic Pro coating listed in the posting. Examples like this beg the question, what is so great about Ceramic Pro coating? Here are a few reasons why everyone is talking about Ceramic Pro coating.

  • Water Resistance: Ceramic Pro coating is resistant to water, so your car’s paint won’t be as affected by rain. This means that every time it rains you do not have to be worried about your car getting dirty again.
  • Scratch Resistance: Ceramic coatings are also more scratch resistant. Normal nicks, scratches, and minor scratches won’t appear on the car because the coating itself has a higher hardness rating than normal clear coat.
  • Lasting Paint: Your paint underneath the Ceramic Pro coat will last longer, because it is not exposed to things that can damage it as much. This means your car’s paint will look fresh and new for much longer. This also means your car may better retain its resale value when it looks fresh even after being used.
  • No Wax: A Ceramic Pro coated car has no need for wax, because the outermost layer of protection is the ceramic. This means you will save money on expensive car washes and waxes, because your car doesn’t require it.

If you are interested in a Ceramic Pro coating for your car, call your local car detailer for info on Ceramic Pro coating packages.