What Are the Benefits of Wood Veneers? | Discover Home Improvement
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What Are the Benefits of Wood Veneers?

What Are the Benefits of Wood Veneers?

If you don’t know what wood veneers are, you have surely seen them before and probably even have them in your house. Wood veneers refer to thin slices of real wood that are applied to flat panels such as doors and cabinets. Below their surface is a less expensive wood or material such as particle board. Lots of furniture is created with a sturdy base and hardwood veneer on top to create the appearance of solid wood furniture, and this method of making furniture has been important for over 200 years.

While some people mistakenly believe that wood veneers make for furniture that is cheap and low quality, that isn’t the case. Many people just don’t understand the purpose of wood veneers, which come with a variety of benefits:

  • Affordability – Wood veneers don’t make furniture cheap quality, but they do make it more affordable. Furniture made entirely out of solid wood is extremely expensive, but wood veneers allow people to enjoy the same aesthetic without paying exorbitant prices.
  • Mobility – One reason wood veneers matter is they are used for furniture with moving parts. Furniture made of solid wood will expand and contract as the temperature changes, and that means your wood drawers, for example, may not open and close easily. Wood veneers allow such furniture to perform as it needs to.
  • Sustainability – Using thin sheets instead of solid wood means making the most of the lumber, which is especially important for more rare types of wood. And if you are interested in having a lower carbon footprint, then wood veneers are a good choice.