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4 Tips for Safe and Effective Snow Removal

Snow removal is a lot of hard work

Snow removal is a lot of hard work, and nothing is worse than working harder than you need to. Not only that but doing snow removal improperly or working too hard can also be dangerous. Here are a few simple tips to make sure you work smarter and not harder when shoveling snow.

  1. Lay Markers: Having reflective posts or other marker delineating where the driveway end and landscaping starts can be very useful. This will help you know exactly how much snow needs to be shoveled as well as preventing damage to anything landscaping that could be hiding underneath.
  2. Don’t Use Salt: While salt can be used to lower the freezing point of ice to help melt it, there are many other less dangerous chemicals that can be used. Using a different compound can help save the driveway or landscaping below from the corrosiveness of salt.
  3. Don’t Pour Ice Melt Everywhere: While some compounds are safer than others, you should be wary of excess. Only use the melt as needed, and don’t use it where your lawn is for the sake of the soil underneath.
  4. Watch Your Step: Be careful where you walk when everything is covered in snow. Not only should you always be wearing shoes for fear of what lies underneath but creating specific paths in the snow can damage any potential landscaping underneath. When the snow melts you may find your footprints within patches of grass that won’t grow.

Snow removal is not the most fun chore, but it can be made a lot easier with these tips. These tips should be followed to prevent your yard and driveway from being damaged after the snow leaves.