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3 Things Septic Services Companies Wish People Did

People who work for septic services companies see a lot of things when they head out on a call

People who work for septic services companies see a lot of things when they head out on a call. When they go out to help a customer, they often will give them advice on how to avoid having the problem again. Below are 3 tips they often give customers:

Do Maintenance Regularly.

To have a septic system that’s running efficiently, you want to have septic services inspecting your system once per year. This inspection will let you know if there are any problems. You also want to make sure you’re having your tank pumped every 3-5 years, or more if you have a large family.

Do Maintenance on Your Drain Field.

It’s best that you don’t plant trees or gardens nearby. This is going to help with preventing the roots from growing large and disrupting the septic system. You also shouldn’t park cars on the field.

Don’t Put Certain Things Down the Drain or Garbage Disposal.

When you are putting a lot of stuff down a drain or garbage disposal, you have a better chance of damaging your septic system. So that you don’t clog your system, don’t put things like coffee grounds, fats and grease down the drain.

These are three tips that septic services give their customers. If you have a septic system, use these tips to help you avoid messy and expensive problems that need to be cleaned up and can damage your property.