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4 Mistakes to Avoid During Tree Care

4 Mistakes to Avoid During Tree Care

Trees may be the hardest and toughest among plants, but they’re fragile as well and require tender care. True and effective tree care isn’t as easy as it appears.

Many tree owners make some costly mistakes that could kill or harm their precious plants without realizing it. If you’re a tree owner, please avoid these common blunders:

  1. Equipment Damage

You may not be anywhere close to your tree as you mow the lawn, but that strimmer or lawnmower can injure your tree, especially if its roots are showing. Leaning your bicycle or other similar equipment on the tree can also shorten its life.

  1. Not Paying Attention to Early Signs of Illness

Trees also get sick. They are living creatures and can contract nasty fungal infections. During tree care, watch out for symptoms such as sores on branches and twigs, unexpected death of a number of branches, and spots on fruits if it’s fruit-bearing.

  1. Pruning Less

Pruning is a care procedure where overgrown or dead branches and stems are cut away. Pruning less can not only endanger people’s lives but affect the growth of the tree too. Doing it wrongly can restrict air circulation through the branches.

  1. Over-Mulching

This is the most common error that professional tree care experts see. Mulching is great. It helps traps moisture in the soil. However, the “volcano mulching” practice that seems to be common today does more harm than good. Excessive mulching traps too much moisture, which puts your tree at risk of fungal infections and root rot.