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3 Tips to Remember When Having Tattoos Removed by Lasers

3 Tips to Remember When Having Tattoos Removed by Lasers

Did you get a few tattoos when you were young and are now regretting them? If so, then you might be considering laser tattoo removal. Below are some tips that you want to use when you are getting ready to have your tattoos removed.

Wear Sunscreen

Having your tattoo removed through a laser is going to take time. So you want to make sure that you are using sunscreen when you are out in the sun. If the area is tanned, chances are that you are going to have trouble having it done since many places won’t do it since it can permanently change your skin pigment.

Don’t Take Ibuprofen or Aspirin for Discomfort

Acetaminophen is your best bet to help with the pain. Taking ibuprofen or aspirin can cause you to bruise when the treatment is done. So acetaminophen is the best choice to help ward off the pain that you are going to feel.

Wear Clothing that Fits Loosely

The last thing that you want is to worry about your clothing rubbing against the area. So wear stuff that fits loosely when you are having the laser removal done. It will help you be a lot more comfortable in the long run.

These are three tips you want to remember when it comes to having tattoos removed by lasers. They are going to help you with keeping as comfortable as possible and helping your skin be healthy.