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3 Common Misconceptions about Solar Panels: Why They Will Still Work for Your Home

3 Common Misconceptions about Solar Panels: Why They Will Still Work for Your Home

Many homeowners assume that they cannot have solar panels installed for various reasons, whether it is because their property is predominantly shady or because of the dimensions of their roof. For the most part, the orientation and angle of your roof will have a minimal impact on your solar panels and how they perform. Here are three common misconceptions and why solar panels are still a great investment for your home.

  1. My home does not get enough sunlight for solar panels to work. Solar panels will still produce electricity if they are partially shaded. Installers will account for any shading losses caused by things like trees and design your system appropriately to reduce the impact.
  2. My roof is not southern-facing. In the Northern hemisphere, solar panels will be most effective when they are installed on a south-facing roof. Even if your roof faces east or west, they can still generate lots of electricity and will save you money on your monthly bill. If your roof faces north, there are alternative installation options available that will work for your home.
  3. Solar panels will not work during the winter. While the temperatures might get cooler, solar panels work off light, not heat. In fact, they are even more efficient in colder temperatures. Solar panels are a great year-round investment for your home.

You might not think your home offers optimal placement for solar panels, but they can still work for your home and save you money every month. Talk to a solar panel installation company about your property and they will be able to determine the best way to install solar panels for your needs.