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Some Tips for Finding the Best Place for Solar Panel Installation

Some Tips for Finding the Best Place for Solar Panel Installation

Solar panel installation is a big project that involves a lot of parts, tools, and time. It can be done quickly and easily with today’s technology, but some serious planning needs to go into it before you start. Here are a few tips for finding the best place for solar panel installation.

  • South: The first piece of general advice with solar panel installation is to put it on the south side of the vehicle. The sun rising in the east and setting in the west means that a south facing solar panel will have a stream of sunlight on it as long as the sun is out.
  • Tilt: A solar panel works better when tilted at an angle. Solar panels lying flat are not as effective, so placing the panels on a titled part of your roof is optimal.
  • Blockages: Things that can get in the way of sunlight will reduce the effectiveness of solar panels. If tall trees are on one side of the house, then you should place the panels on the other side. Also be cautious of putting the panels right next to something like a chimney or anything that can cast a tall shadow across the panels.
  • Space: A great place for solar panel installation is a large, open space where the panels can sit without being too close to anything else. Sometimes roof space can be scarce but giving solar panels adequate space to lay and capture sunlight is important.

There are a handful of things to consider when planning to place solar panels, but once a perfect spot is found then you can get right to installation and enjoying the results.