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Ways to Know You Need a Septic Tank Pumping

Ways to Know You Need a Septic Tank Pumping

If your home has its own septic system tank, this needs to be regularly cleaned. But how do you know when you need a septic tank pumping done? Below are three ways to know it’s time to call your local septic company to do a pump-out.
1. It Wasn’t Done Recently
If you aren’t able to remember the last time it had been done, there’s a good chance it’s time. The frequency that it needs pumped will depend on the number of people in the household. Generally, it’s recommended 3-5 years between pumping.
2. You have Really Green Grass
Look at your yard. Does it seem like some areas are greener than others? If it’s close to the tank, you probably need it to be pumped. The water’s coming up through your ground and soaking the grass.
3. There’s an Odor
If you’ve noticed something nasty smelling, there is a good chance it’s coming from your tank. All of the waste and water from the house go inside the tank. If there’s an unpleasant smell, you may need to have it the tank pumped.
These are three signs that you may need a septic tank pumping. It’s not a pleasant thing to think about, but having a problem with your septic tank because you put off pumping it will be a lot more unpleasant. Regular septic tank pumping is an important part of maintaining your home and property, so make sure not to neglect it.