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Why Is Septic Tank Pumping So Important?

Why Is Septic Tank Pumping So Important?

Proper maintenance is essential whether it’s for an HVAC system, electrical system, or something else. A septic system is no exception. With many parts from its main pipe and septic tank to its drain field, there are many problems that could occur within a septic system, so it’s important to get it serviced regularly. Septic tank pumping is probably the most important septic service you can get, and here’s why:

  • It is necessary for the system’s functionality. If you aren’t familiar with how a septic tank works, here is a basic summary. The tank receives waste from the home or business’ pipe, and it holds the waste long enough for solids to settle at the bottom and scum to rise to the surface. The liquid waste, or effluent, left in the middle then exits the tank and is released in the drain field. Over time, the solid sludge at the bottom builds up and needs to be pumped out for the system to continue functioning and avoid overflowing.
  • It improves the system’s efficiency. Even if a full septic tank does not overflow or cause a disaster, it can impede the septic system from functioning at its best. The tank may continue to treat the waste slowly and inefficiently, but septic tank pumping can ensure that waste moves through efficiently instead.
  • It prevents dangerous water contamination. When you don’t get regular septic tank pumping, you may risk contaminating nearby water. This is because a full tank may not treat and filter the wastewater adequately before it enters the environment. To avoid causing a health hazard, it’s important to get septic tank pumping about every 3 to 5 years for most households.