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4 Things You Should Know About Septic Pumping

4 Things You Should Know About Septic Pumping

Regular septic pumping is a necessary service for any house or business that has septic tanks. Homeowners have long understood the importance of a healthy septic system, but there are many misconceptions about what pumping does and why it needs to be done periodically.

In this post, we will discuss four signs you should know about septic pumping so you can make sure your home’s sewage system is in good shape.

• No Water Flow from Toilets or Sinks
If you have no water flow from your toilets or sinks, then pumping your system could help fix this. The sewage system needs to be pumped out regularly to prevent it from overflowing and damaging property near the tank.

• Low Water Pressure During Showers
Low pressure or water pressure during showers is a sign that you need to pump your system. This can be caused by sediment build-up in the pipes or accumulation of grease and debris on your home’s drain field or septic tank.

• Too Much Toilet Paper Showing Up in the Septic Field Lines
Too much toilet paper on the septic field line signifies that your system needs to be pumped. If you see this, it’s likely due to an accumulation of grease and debris in the tank or drain lines which will need to get flushed out.

• Wet Spots on Floors Inside the House
If you notice these stains, it’s vital to have them checked out before more damage is done to your property. You may require septic pumping and new filters so that the water can flow through properly, or it might need repairs such as replacing broken pipes.