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How to Increase Your Security with 5 Easy Tips

How to Increase Your Security with 5 Easy Tips

The topic of home or commercial security can be worrisome and troubling to some people. Many of us don’t like to think of the possibility that we could be a victim of a break-in or other issue, especially if we are considered to live in a safe neighborhood. Rather than thinking of security as a concerning thing, try to think of it like wearing a seatbelt: you likely won’t need it, but you’ll be glad you have it in case you do! Security doesn’t need to be flashy or intensive to be effective. Here are a few great tips that you can use to increase your security:

  1. Change your locks. When you move into a new house or lose your keys, you should consider changing or re-keying your locks. This will ensure that you know exactly who has access to your home at any given time.
  2. Avoid advertising your trips and vacations. While it might seem harmless and fun to post about your trips on social media, what you are really telling people is that your home is empty and unguarded, making it an easy target.
  3. Avoid the hidden keys! If you have a hidden key (many of us do), now is the time to get rid of it! Burglars know where your hidden key options are most likely to be and will be able to gain easy access to your home. If you want a hide-a-key, give it to a neighbor or friend for safekeeping.
  4. Invest in a quality front door. Choose a strong, solid and thick front door that will be durable as well as attractive. Avoid styles with glass that give you easy access to the knob or handle.
  5. Keep valuables hidden. If you don’t want your home to be an easy target, put away tempting valuables! This means cleaning out your garage so you can park inside it, recycling your TV boxes at a recycling center instead of leaving them out on the street, and keeping the blinds closed at night so looking through your windows is not possible. 

These are some of our favorite security tips. We hope you will find them useful!