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5 Times When You Need to Call a Roofer

5 Times When You Need to Call a Roofer

A roof can be an expensive thing to repair or replace so no one wants to call a roofer unless it is necessary. However, roofs do not last forever, and things can happen to them that require a professional roofer to look at them. Here are 5 examples of times when you will want to call a roofer.

  1. Damage: If there is damage on the roof it will obviously need to be repaired. Whether due to harsh weather, things hitting it, or any number of things. Shingles or tiles damaged or missing needs a roofer.
  2. Age: Roofs do not last forever, and the lifespan depends on the material the roof is made of. Make sure to be aware of the age of your roof and get it looked at by a roofer to make sure it is still functional and not to be worried about.
  3. Sunlight: If sunlight can make it through your roof, then there is a problem. Make sure a roofer gets that fixed before it rains again or else it could get worse or leak into the house.
  4. Mold: When mold or moss starts growing on the roof it is time to call a roofer. While it makes sense that mold/moss would form on something stagnant that is outside and sees rain, but it is not good for your roof. Make sure to get these resolves before it gets worse.
  5. Shape Loss: When a roof starts to lose its tight, straight shape it was built with then there is a problem. Make sure to call a roofer if your roof starts to sag anywhere or lose its perfect shape.

Roofs can be a stressful thing as they age and run into problems. However, calling a local roofer as soon as one of these problems occurs is important for stopping a problem at its root, reducing stress and making roof ownership easier.