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5 Emergency Plumbing Issues That Require Expert Attention

5 Emergency Plumbing Issues That Require Expert Attention

Plumbers are residential homeowners’ best friends, as you never know when a plumbing emergency will strike. The best way of preventing crises from occurring is by observing preventive maintenance. However, here are the top 5 emergencies that require a plumber.

• Gas Leaks
When you smell gas in a building, evacuate the area immediately. This is an emergency that a DIY solution won’t do, considering the dangerous nature of the task. Always contact a professional plumber in case of a gas leak.

• Blocked Drains
Nearly every homeowner has encountered a blocked drain. Some instances don’t require professional assistance; however, you may need expert assistance for more complicated issues. Avoid cutting corners, as this could end up costing you even more.

• Frozen Pipes
When the water in your pipes freezes, it could expand and end up bursting, further damaging your plumbing. The first thing you need to do is shut off the main valve. Once that’s done, get in touch with your nearest local plumber to further assist you.

• Burst Pipes
If this happens, your priority should be to stop the flow of water through the pipe. The next step is to turn on cold water taps to drain any water and steam that may have been trapped. Once that’s done, it’s time to call up a plumber.

• Leaky Fixtures
The last plumbing issue on the list is a loose fixture. Like before, the first thing to do is close off the water supply to the particular faucet; this is to reduce further damage to your property. Then contact your emergency plumber.

It’s always a great idea to have your plumber’s number on speed dial. This way, you don’t have to wait long for much-needed assistance.