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3 Common Mistakes that Your Residential Plumber Often Sees

3 Common Mistakes that Your Residential Plumber Often Sees

If there’s one profession that sees a lot of scrappy situations during their working day, it’s a residential plumber. Below are three mistakes that your local residential plumber says that you are probably making even without knowing it.

  1. Using Chemical Cleaners to Clean Your Drain

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make is to rely on chemical cleaners. Not only can these affect your pipes negatively, but they also can be dangerous for the environment. Look for other options for clearing drains.

  1. Flushing Unflushable Items

Another huge mistake is flushing things down the toilet that you shouldn’t flush. For example, you shouldn’t flush anything but toilet paper, excrement and water down the toilet. This means no facial tissue, no condoms, no feminine hygiene products, etc.

  1. Not Calling a Plumber

Finally, people make a mistake thinking that they can do the work themselves. There are some things that a homeowner can do themselves, but for other things it’s best to leave it to a professional. Otherwise, you might find that you are having worse problems and it’s costing a lot more to fix them.

These are three things that you may be doing that can cause your plumbing a lot of problems. So, make sure that you avoid making these mistakes. Otherwise you might have a huge mess in your house, and you may have to put your residential plumber on speed dial so that they can come over and fix the problems.