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Ordering Pizza Delivery? Here Are 3 Pizza Tipping Myths

Ordering pizza delivery has always been popular

Ordering pizza delivery has always been popular, but even more so recently due to many people not being able to go out. So, let’s look at some myths about pizza delivery and tipping that you may not know.

  1. The Fee Goes to the Driver

The business will usually take this fee so they can cover the expenses of the driver, like gas, or other things. Sometimes a business might split it with drivers, and sometimes a smaller chain could give the whole thing to the driver. But usually it doesn’t happen that way.

  1. Drivers Make Good Money

The truth is that the drivers are like the waitstaff in restaurants. Because they make tips, they usually don’t make good money. The reason is that they count on the tips to help with supplementing their pay.  This will depend on where the place is, obviously, but usually they don’t make minimum wage.

  1. Their Jobs are Easy

Delivery drivers do a lot more than delivering the pizza. They do cleaning, folding boxes, taking orders, making ordering, making wings and a lot more along with dealing with traffic and sometimes dangerous conditions when the weather is bad.

So, the next time you order for pizza delivery, keep in mind what your driver has gone through to bring that pizza to you. Since you didn’t want to go out or couldn’t go out, they brought it to you. Maybe show them a little more appreciation for making your life easier by giving them a decent tip.