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3 Tips for Choosing a Business Name for Your Ontario Business Registration

3 Tips for Choosing a Business Name for Your Ontario Business Registration

It’s exciting to register a new business in Ontario. But before the official Ontario business registration, you have to come up with a name for your business. So here are some tips that you can use to decide on a name to put on your Ontario business registration.

  1. Make Sure It’s Easy to Say, Spell & Remember

The first thing you want to do is to make sure you choose a name that’s easy to remember, spell and pronounce. Otherwise, people are going to feel awkward trying to pronounce the name and may avoid it altogether simply because of that.

  1. Don’t Use One Similar to Another Business

Even though this may seem like a good idea, it could set you up for failure. People might come into your business because it reminds them of their favourite restaurant. But if you don’t have their favorite burger, they could walk right out again.

  1. Check for Domain Availability

Once you have a name that you like, check the domains to see if it’s available. If it isn’t, you may be able to buy it for a price. But it’s a good idea to know what is available before you commit to your name.

These are three tips that you can use to help you choose a name for your Ontario business registration. A business name isn’t something that you want to jump right into. You want to put a lot of thought and research into to find the right one.