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Kitchen Cabinets: How to Give Them a Makeover

Kitchen Cabinets: How to Give Them a Makeover

Looking for ways to improve the look and feel of your kitchen without doing a full remodel can be difficult. However, there are many ways you can give your kitchen cabinets a makeover without breaking the bank. Here are some ways you can improve the look of your kitchen cabinets with a simple makeover.

1. New Paint – If you want your kitchen to stay trendy and up to date with the latest style, then the easiest way to do that is to paint your kitchen cabinets. Paint them a dark navy blue for a dark and moody feel or paint them classic white for a timeless and traditional look.
2. Wallpaper the Insides – For a burst of color or a neat pattern, add removable wallpaper to the inside of your cabinets. This is an especially effective look if your cabinets have glass doors.
3. Rustic Finish – If you want your kitchen to have a more rustic or vintage cottage feel, try distressing your cabinets. Sand portions of your cabinets to remove paint and leave a distressed look.
4. Make Them Glossy – Using a high-gloss clear varnish, you can add a glossy look to your cabinets that will make them pop. This technique will make your kitchen shine and sparkle.
5. Add Lighting – Adding track lighting to the tops of your cabinets or strips of LEDs inside the cabinets, can make your kitchen brighter and make your cabinets stand out as focal points.

There are many ways you can improve the look of your kitchen without having to do a full remodel. Improving the look of your kitchen cabinets can be as simple as adding a fresh coat of paint or you can get creative and change the entire look of your kitchen.