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Do I Need to Visit a Foot Clinic?

Do I Need to Visit a Foot Clinic?

Your feet are a critical part of your body! Forming the foundation that the rest of your body relies upon to stand, run, jump, walk or even tango, having healthy, happy feet is something that we all should be striving towards. There are many reasons why your feet might be aching, sore or even painful, but that does not mean that you should ever stand for painful feet. Visiting a foot clinic can be your first step to healthy feet and here are a few instances in which you should go to a foot clinic:

  • If you have sudden, new or worsening pain. While your feet might be sore after a long day of hiking, there is nothing normal or okay with feet that hurt or are painful! Please take the time to find and visit a qualified foot clinic if you are experiencing any kind of pain in your feet.
  • When your feet change or worsen. If you are the new owner of some lumps or bumps that weren’t there before, it is time to visit a foot clinic to have these changes documented and examined.
  • If there is redness, swelling, heat or other potential signs of infection. If your feet are tender, if there are hot spots of redness, even streaks of red, then you might be experiencing an infection. Feet do not always have the best blood flow and infections can turn perilous. Be sure to have these changes examined quickly at a foot clinic.
  • When you have ongoing medical conditions that affect the extremities like diabetes or neuropathy. Those who have trouble with their feet and peripheral nerves can experience damages without realizing it. If you have diabetes or other neurological problems, be sure to regularly check your feet and also visit a foot clinic.

If you have questions about your feet or how to care for them, please call your local foot clinic today.