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Lockout 101: What to Do Before, During, and After Your Call to Emergency Locksmith Services

Getting locked out of your car, home, or workplace can be extremely stressful and frustrating, but it’s a situation that anyone can find themselves in. It’s essential to keep your cool and carefully assess your situation as you prepare to call for emergency locksmith services and wait for them to arrive. Read on to learn the essential steps for handling a lockout and working with emergency locksmith services.

  1. Assess your situation. Before you spring into action, take a minute to evaluate your circumstances and take a few calming breaths. Have you left a spare key with a coworker, friend, or family member? Will someone else arrive soon who might have a key? Are there company procedures for dealing with lockouts that you need to follow? Review your options, but always prioritize your safety. 
  2. Check for entry points. Look around to see if there are any other accessible entry points, such as unlocked windows or doors. If you’re locked out of a building, try doing a full lap of the exterior to check. Again, always prioritize your safety and never try to force anything open or access unsafe areas. 
  3. Find a company that offers emergency locksmith services. If you’ve reviewed your immediate options and there is no solution, it’s time to call an emergency locksmith. Remember that not all locksmiths offer emergency services, so include that detail in your search specifications. 
  4. Be ready with the details. Once you’ve found a locksmith that provides emergency services, before you contact them, take a moment to gather pertinent details. Information like your exact location, the type of lock, and any specific circumstances or challenges is always useful. 
  5. Find a safe location. Once your locksmith is en route, find a place to wait for them. Look for well-lit areas, or take shelter in a nearby unlocked building if possible. 

Remember that it’s always better to call for emergency locksmith services during a lockout than try to force your way inside. Trained locksmiths can access a locked area without causing damage or compromising your safety.