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3 Tips for Cleaning Your Home’s Eavestroughs

3 Tips for Cleaning Your Home’s Eavestrough

One of the most important things that you can do is to make sure that you are keeping your eavestroughs clean. Below are three tips that we are offering to help you with cleaning your eavestroughs and helping them divert the water away from your house.

  1. Clean Them Regularly

Eavestroughs should be cleaned at least two times each year, in springtime and then again in fall. If there are a lot of trees in your area or the year is very windy, it’s a good idea to have them checked more often. This can save you a lot of problems in the long run, because when they’re not clean they can attract pests and even damage your house.

  1. Clean Them Before Storms

If you know that a storm is coming, that’s also a good time to clean them. Any debris and leaves in them is going to be dry, so there’s no worry about stoppages and clogs while the storm is raging. You’ll also have less to worry about since you’ll have other debris after the storm.

  1. Don’t Rest a Ladder Against the Eavestrough

If the ladder you’re using is an extension, you should use a type of stabilizer. Otherwise, you are going to damage the eavestroughs and you will have bigger problems to deal with than a clog in your gutters.

These are three tips that you can use to help your eavestroughs to keep doing their work well. When you are taking care of them, they will help your house stay healthy and well.