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What to Expect at Your First Visit to a Children’s Dentist

Education is a large portion of that first trip to the dentist

When you look at your very young children, you probably can’t imagine them sitting through a dental appointment, and for good reason! Small children are recommended to visit the dentist after their teeth start to emerge or at least by age one. Children of this age are very active, wiggly and squirmy and “holding still” seems to not be something they are capable of! This is also a great time to introduce them to a children’s dentist. Not only will this help your children create a positive habit that will impact their lives, but it is a great way to remove fears or anxiety and replace them with enjoyable experiences. At your child’s first visit to the children’s dentist, here are a few things that you can expect.

You don’t need to expect a complete cleaning like an adult would receive. Instead, the dentist will work to ensure that the child is comfortable and enjoying the experience. Children’s dentists are very good at helping kids explore the dental office in a safe and enjoyable way while also getting an examination in.

Instead of a standard cleaning, your children’s dentist will likely take a peek into their mouth and look at the existing teeth, feel the gums for teeth not yet erupted, and feel their jaw as well to look for developmental issues.

Education is a large portion of that first trip to the dentist, both for the child and the parent. Learning to brush the teeth of these active children can be tricky, so don’t be afraid to ask for tips to get the job done! Furthermore, you can learn about healthy foods and things to avoid regarding oral care.