5 Things Not to Do with a Concealed Carry Weapon | Discover Home Improvement
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5 Things Not to Do with a Concealed Carry Weapon

5 Things Not to Do with a Concealed Carry Weapon

Having a concealed carry weapon has some great benefits, but it is not a good idea to concealed carry all the time There are times when carrying a concealed weapon can be a danger to yourself and others. Here are 5 times when you should not conceal carry.

  1. Government Property: When you enter government property, make sure not to have your concealed carry with you. Some government buildings may have a security check, but others may not. Regardless, you have the potential to get into serious trouble if you attempt to concealed carry where you are not meant to.
  2. Airports: It goes without saying but bringing your concealed carry weapon to the airport is a mistake. There are some areas where it is allowed but attempting to fly with a weapon is not allowed.
  3. Drinking: Drinking with a weapon in reach is a poor decision. Alcohol reduces your ability to make rational decisions, so make sure your irrational decisions do not have the potential to have a gun thrown in.
  4. No Holster: Attempting to concealed carry without a holster is not just difficult and uncomfortable, but it can be dangerous as well. To ensure that accidental discharges do not occur, make sure to use a holster when concealed carrying.
  5. Without Permit: If you are concealed carrying, make sure to keep your permit on you. Encounters with a police officer will go smoother if you make sure to keep paperwork within reach.

Having a concealed carry weapon is not a thing to take lightly. Make sure all precautions are taken when concealed carrying, to avoid putting yourself and others out of harm’s way.