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3 Tips to Make Clothes Shopping Easier

3 Tips to Make Clothes Shopping Easier

Clothes shopping can be very stressful and frustrating whether it’s because it’s difficult to find the right sizes or the stores are filled with trendy items rather than timeless clothing that will last for years. However, clothes shopping doesn’t have to be so hard if you know what you’re doing. If you want to take control of your shopping experience and come out of it with success, here are three tips to make the process easier on yourself:

  1. Keep Your Current Wardrobe in Mind- When you come across a piece that you really like, it’s a good idea to ask yourself what you will wear with it after you buy it. If you have to buy even more clothing just to make one piece work in an outfit, it is often better to choose an item that works with the wardrobe you already have. It’ll save you money, and you’ll be more likely to actually wear your new shirt, pants, dress, or shoes instead of letting them collect dust at the back of your closet.
  2. Know Your Measurements- Measuring yourself before you head out on your clothes shopping trip can be a major time saver. You’ll have a good idea of what is going to fit you and what isn’t without having to drag piles of clothing in multiple sizes to the dressing room. In addition, some stores (especially thrift stores) don’t have dressing rooms, so knowing your measurements can be very valuable.
  3. Set Out with a Plan- If you’re shopping for fun, a plan may not be necessary, but if you’re often frustrated with clothes shopping, having a plan can definitely help. Make a list of the items you are looking for and where you are going to look for them. You can also set a budget if you want to avoid impulse buying.