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How to Care for Your Windshield Glass

Posted by on Jul 12, 2021 in Windshield Glass | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

Your windshield is a very important part of your car as having an unobstructed view of the road is critical for your safety. Cleaning your windshield glass every so often to remove dirt and smudges ensure you have a crystal clear view of what’s ahead to help prevent the chances of an accident. A clean windshield also means that your defroster will be more efficient as condensation collects more easily on a dirty surface. Here are care tips for keeping your windshield glass clean: ● Clean your windshield glass after washing the exterior and interior of your car. Use...

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3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Wait to Have Chipped Windshield Glass Repaired

Posted by on May 4, 2021 in Windshield Glass | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

A chip in your car’s windshield glass is a common problem. a lot of people think it’s not a big deal, so they don’t have it fixed right away. But this is a big mistake. Below are three reasons why you shouldn’t wait to have a chip in your windshield glass fixed right away. It Can Obscure Your Vision The first reason why you don’t want to wait to have your windshield fixed when you see it’s chipped is that, depending on how big the chip is, it can obscure your vision. This can be dangerous not only for...

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Three Myths About Winter and Windshield Glass

Posted by on Mar 16, 2021 in Windshield Glass | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

Winter brings several challenges, not the least of which involves the care of your car or truck. It is no surprise that good advice is found online about winter care of your windshield glass. Unfortunately, some of what you’ll read isn’t correct and can lead to needing replacement windshield glass. Here are a few topics you should have accurate information about so you don’t make a costly mistake: Myth #1: You can pour hot water on your windshield glass to clear it of ice and snow. Rapid temperature changes can damage your windshield glass, so this is terrible advice!...

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What Makes Windshield Glass So Special?

Posted by on Oct 18, 2020 in Windshield Glass | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

Everyone knows glass comes in different forms and types and even colors, but what makes windshield glass different from other types of glass? Sometimes when the bill for a new windshield comes it may make you wonder what special properties windshield glass that has makes it the only type of glass for your car. Here are a few that makes windshield glass so special. Lamination: Windshield glass is made by lamination, which means 2 sheets of glass are pressed onto a thin sheet of vinyl. The glass and vinyl sandwich are pushed together using high pressure, making a tough...

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