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Planning a Website Makeover? 5 Website Design Tips to Consider

Posted by on Feb 18, 2022 in Website design | Comments Off on Planning a Website Makeover? 5 Website Design Tips to Consider February 18th, 2022

As a small business owner, it is important to make sure that your website reflects your business in the best way possible. You’ll want a modern website design that also facilitates ease of use and access to information. Here are 5 website design tips to consider for your website makeover. 1. It is essential to make your website mobile friendly. The majority of users now access websites from a mobile device, so make sure that your website is easy to navigate as well as quick to load on a mobile phone. 2. Display your contact information in a spot...

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Website Design: Website Builders Vs. Website Designers

Posted by on Apr 1, 2021 in Website design | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

In this digital age, no business worth the salt will operate without a functional website. A well-designed site will work for you 24/7/365. However, do you go for a website builder or designer when it comes to website design? Pros and Cons of a Website Builder If you don’t have a large budget and require a website promptly, you are better off with a website builder. Pros Their greatest allure is that users can quickly pick a template, upload their content, and have a website up and running in a matter of hours. They tend to cost less. Website builders...

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