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improving north carolina one home at a time

How a Water Treatment Test Will Improve Your Home’s Water

Posted by on Aug 25, 2021 in water treatment | Comments Off on How a Water Treatment Test Will Improve Your Home’s Water August 25th, 2021

Water is an essential part of our daily lives. Drinking water is, of course, vital for survival, but water is also an important part of everyday life since you need it for things like dishes, laundry, and bathing. The quality of water in your home can drastically affect its taste as well as its effectiveness in maintaining a clean house. For example, if your water contains sulphur it can make it more challenging to get good results when doing laundry — if you can overlook the rotten egg odor! Water treatment can deal with different issues and an in-home...

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3 Tips for Choosing Your Water Treatment System

Posted by on Jun 30, 2021 in water treatment | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

Are you thinking of getting a water treatment system for your home? There are a lot of ones that you can choose from, so it’s hard to figure out what one to get. Below are three tips that you can use to help you choose the right water treatment system. Think About Your Needs The first way that you can choose a treatment option for your water is to think about your needs. Do you have hard water? Do you simply want water that tastes better? Are you worried about impurities in your water? Think About Your Budget The...

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5 Major Benefits of Installing a Water Treatment System in Your Home

Posted by on Apr 30, 2021 in water treatment | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

Before jumping into all of the reasons a water treatment system will benefit you, it is important to note that every city and geographic area’s water will be very different. What is useful or beneficial in one area may not be useful in another area, depending on the water in each place. However, here are 5 major benefits of water treatment in your home. 1. Safe: The main reason to treat water is to make it as safe as possible. Most places will have clean drinking water, but sometimes an in-home water treatment system will be important for having...

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3 Water Treatment Myths

Posted by on Jan 3, 2021 in water treatment | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

Water treatment has been around for ages. But along with all of the water treatment options, there are plenty of myths that go along with them. Below we are going to look at some of these myths and the truth behind each of them. I Just Need My Fridge Purifier That purifier will work very well for filtering big minerals such as dirt and sand and eliminates some odor and tastes from the water. However, it may not get everything out of your water, and it isn’t as effective as a two-stage filter. Water Softeners Solve All Water Problems...

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