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Are You Selling Your Home? Know the Benefits of Seller Financing

Posted by on Jul 29, 2021 in Seller Financing | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

When selling your home, you may find yourself in a situation where you want to offer seller financing. In this type of situation, you become the lender and offer the buyers enough credit to purchase the house. Seller financing does not mean the seller loans out money, but instead it is about credit and giving the buyers a chance to pay for the sale. 1. The Seller Saves on Cost – If you use a real estate agent, there are closing costs that the seller has to pay out. If, however, the seller carries out the transaction on their...

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The Pros and Cons for Buyers and Sellers with Seller Financing

Posted by on Mar 21, 2021 in Seller Financing | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

When financing a home as a buyer or selling you home, there are many financing options to be aware of. Seller financing allows the seller of the home to finance the home for the seller, usually as a secondary choice to a mortgage, but not always. But is it a good idea to do seller financing? Here are some of the pros and cons for both the seller and the buyer in seller financing. Pros: Seller: The seller may be able to turn this into a source of income for them. They can sell a home with interest, and...

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Benefits of Seller Financing for Both Parties

Posted by on Aug 27, 2020 in Seller Financing | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

Looking into seller financing can be scary because there are some pitfalls and risk involved with them. While it can be risky, there are also many benefits to seller financing for both parties involved. Here are some of the pros of seller financing for both the seller and the buyer. Seller: Competitive: Having your property up for seller financing options can make it stand out on the market. It can both be a standout feature, as well as a desirable thing for potential buyers. As Is Home: If you are selling your home through seller financing, then you might...

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