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Home Construction and Renovations: What to Know Before Starting Your Project

Posted by on Aug 26, 2021 in Home Construction & Renovations | Comments Off on Home Construction and Renovations: What to Know Before Starting Your Project August 26th, 2021

Any kind of home construction and renovation project can be daunting and tricky. Even if you’ve gone through a renovation before, you know that each project can bring its own problems and twists. Some things you know before starting the project are: The End Date Should be Reasonable – Setting a specific end date is important to help keep the project on a fixed timeline, but the end date needs to be a reasonable one. You should include some room for errors and buffer space in case things don’t go smoothly. Have a Clear Budget – Setting your budget...

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Home Construction & Renovations: Top 4 Tips for Choosing the Right Contractor

Posted by on Jun 4, 2021 in Home Construction & Renovations | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

Home construction & renovations are both full of decision making. How much to spend? What style do you want? Who will be the contractor for your project? These are just some of the questions that must be considered before starting a home construction project. In this post, here are four tips for choosing the right contractor so that you can get started on your project with confidence: 1. Ask Around – Talk to friends and family who have had their homes built or renovated. Find out who they used and what their experience was like during the process. This...

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Getting Ready for Home Construction & Renovations

Posted by on Oct 11, 2020 in Home Construction & Renovations | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

When you are thinking about home construction & renovations, you likely are thinking about the wonderful “after” picture rather than the preparation and progress that you will need to endure first. Home construction & renovations can be a big expense, time-consuming and, if you don’t find the right contractor, a poor experience. Finding the right contractor is step one in home construction & renovations, and here are a few more tips that can help make your experience a positive one. First, don’t forget to start slow. It can be all too enticing to move into a place or look...

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