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4 Ways Emotional Intelligence Training Creates Better Leaders

Posted by on Aug 26, 2020 in Emotional intelligence | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

When trying to improve your company you may wonder how to get your employees to become better leaders. One great way to develop leadership skills is through emotional intelligence training, but does it really create leadership qualities that you are looking for? Here are 4 leadership traits that can be gained from emotional intelligence training. Empathy: Empathy is an essential characteristic for a caring leader. The ability to feel and understand the emotions of those around you is a great way to develop a personal relationship of trust, which is important to being a good leader. Emotional Control: Being...

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3 Emotional Intelligence Mistakes Made by Millennial Leaders

Posted by on Jul 13, 2020 in Emotional intelligence | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

As a millennial in a leadership position, you have a lot on your shoulders. But you want to make sure that when it comes to emotional intelligence in the workplace, you aren’t making common mistakes that other millennials make. Below are three emotional intelligence mistakes to avoid. Not Giving Due Credit Sometimes we will take credit when others have done the work. When you are the leader, most of the work’s credited largely to you. So, you want to make sure you’re recognizing the others who helped you. Distancing Yourself from Employees To be a good leader as a...

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