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improving north carolina one home at a time

4 Major Benefits of Air Conditioning Services

Posted by on Nov 26, 2020 in Air Conditioning Services, Cool Tone | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

Air conditioning can be rather expensive in total, so what use is adding air conditioning services to that running bill? Actually, there are a lot of benefits of air conditioning services. Here are 4 major benefits that you will get if you pay for regularly scheduled air conditioning services. Better Air: Doing basic services to your air conditioning system, like replacing air filters, will make the air flowing through your home cleaner and have fewer particles in it. To maximize you and your families breathing health, make sure to regularly service your air conditioner. Lower Utility Bill: One of...

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4 Benefits of Cool Tone

Posted by on Nov 26, 2020 in Cool Tone | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

Cool Tone sculpting is a new weight-loss technology that can help your burn fat and tone your muscles. This incredible new technology uses Magnetic Muscle Stimulation technology to work out your muscles, with little effort on your part. The system works itself while you sit and feel the technology penetrate past your fat layer into the muscle layer, thereby toning your muscles. Here are 4 key benefits to Cool Tone technology. Ease of Use: It is so easy for someone to use. It is quick and comfortable, only requiring you to lay down for the duration of the appointment....

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3 Benefits of Cool Tone Treatments

Posted by on Sep 22, 2020 in Cool Tone | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

There’s a good change you have heard of something called Cool Tone and have considered having it done. But you may be nervous. What if it hurts? What if you have to take time off of work? Well, we’re going to look at some of the benefits of Cool Tone and hopefully help put some of your worries to rest. Enhances Gym Performance When you are going to have many Cool Tone treatments over eight weeks, it will strengthen your abdomen. When your core is stronger, you’ll see an increase in your repetitions. No Downtime With a lot of...

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