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How Did I End Up Needing Honey Bee Removal?

Posted by on Apr 22, 2020 in Bee Removal | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

Suddenly realizing you have a swarm of honey bees on your property can be rather disconcerting. That is especially true if you or someone in your household is allergic to bee stings. Your first reaction might be to exterminate them, but since you’ve heard about how important they are for pollination, you’re considering professional honey bee removal services instead. If you are the questioning type, you might be wondering how you ended up with your own personal bee population in the first place. The answer lies in the habits of honey bees. They are very industrious creatures that diligently...

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Why Honey Bee Removal Is Better Than Extermination

Posted by on Dec 18, 2019 in Bee Removal | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

Finding bees on your property can be a stressful thing.  However, with bees being an endangered species, it is more vital than ever to avoid extermination as much as possible. Honey bee removal is an excellent alternative to extermination. Here are a few reasons why you should consider honey bee removal before you call an exterminator. Honey! Everyone loves honey, so having more honey bees around means we can get more honey from bees. In fact, depending on the situation, a beekeeper may be able to relocate the bees for free and bring them to his farm. Food! Without plants...

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3 Common Bee Removal Mistakes to Avoid

Posted by on Nov 8, 2019 in Bee Removal | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

Bees are a common problem for a lot of homeowners. If you have found a beehive on your property, bee removal is likely in your plans. But there are three bee removal mistakes that you should avoid making. Below are three mistakes that many homeowners make. Using a Broom or Stick to Swat at a Beehive A lot of people make this big mistake. If you knock the hive on the ground, it’s going to disturb those bees inside and greatly increase your chances of being stung. The hive may not look active but looks can be deceiving. Spraying...

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The Importance of Honey Bee Removal

Posted by on Oct 14, 2019 in Bee Removal | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

It can be difficult to want to “save the bees” when they are infesting your backyard or home. However, it is becoming increasingly important to save the bees and not exterminate them. Here are a few reasons why honey bee removal is better than honey bee extermination. Rapidly Declining Population: Bee populations have been rapidly declining for years. The declining rate of these populations has been going down at an increasingly rapid rate, so it is very important to rescue the ones that we can. Things like “Colony Collapse Disorder” are problems that are causing bee populations to plummet,...

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