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Auto Collision Prevention Tips: How to Remain Safe While Driving

Posted by on Nov 26, 2021 in Auto Collision | Comments Off on Auto Collision Prevention Tips: How to Remain Safe While Driving November 26th, 2021

When it comes to auto collision prevention tips, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Everyone’s vehicle has its quirks and individual needs for safety features. However, there are a few universal precautions that everyone can take to increase the safety of their drive time: Get regular car tune-ups This will ensure that your car is running correctly. Also, it’s essential to know the limits of your vehicle and drive accordingly. Know when to take a break Driving can be very tiring, especially on long trips or in heavy traffic conditions. It’s always best to stop for food or rest after...

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Auto Collision: 6 Ways to Stay Safe on the Road

Posted by on Sep 28, 2021 in Auto Collision | Comments Off on Auto Collision: 6 Ways to Stay Safe on the Road September 28th, 2021

Statistics show that auto collisions are the leading cause of death for teens. Most collisions happen because people are not paying attention or make mistakes like running a stop sign. But there is no excuse to neglect safety and increase your risk of auto collision. Here we list six ways you can stay safe while on the road: • Make sure your brakes, tires, and lights work properly If you go on a trip in your car, be sure to check all the parts and ensure they work. Brake lights help prevent collision by warning other drivers of possible...

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Types of Repairs After an Auto Collision

Posted by on Aug 2, 2021 in Auto Collision | 0 comments August 17th, 2021

If you’ve recently been in an auto collision you know there can sometimes be no limit to the repairs that your vehicle will require. If your vehicle wasn’t totaled in the auto collision, then there may be several different types of repairs needed. Taking your car to an auto shop that has full-service body repairs after a collision is your best chance at having a fully usable car again quickly after the accident. Some repairs you should know about are: 1. Bumper Repair – If you’ve been rear-ended, there is a good chance you will need a bumper repair...

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