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Air Conditioning Repair vs. Replacement: What to Consider Before Making a Decision

Posted by on Jul 12, 2023 in Air Conditioning Repair | Comments Off on Air Conditioning Repair vs. Replacement: What to Consider Before Making a Decision July 12th, 2023

Experiencing issues with your air conditioner is always a headache, but knowing when the time for repairs is over and that a replacement is necessary can be tricky. Below, you’ll find some insider tips for what to consider when you’re deciding between an air conditioning repair and a replacement. Age– The predicted lifespan of an air conditioner can vary depending on the brand, model, and usage, so knowing when your unit has reached the end of its expected lifespan can be a challenge. Seek the professional advice of an AC technician, who can offer insight into the expected lifespan,...

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3 Signs You Need Air Conditioner Repair

Posted by on Feb 2, 2023 in Air Conditioning Repair | Comments Off on 3 Signs You Need Air Conditioner Repair February 2nd, 2023

Your local HVAC company provides a wide range of services to help you keep your home or business cool and comfortable, and one of those services is air conditioner repair. In this article, we’ll go over three signs that your air conditioner is not working properly. If you notice any of these things, better call a professional air conditioner repair expert right away. Loud Noises. While your air conditioner will never be completely silent as it runs, it shouldn’t be making any grinding or screeching sounds either. If you start to hear unusual sounds when your air conditioning is...

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3 Tips for Keeping Air Conditioning Repair Costs Down

Posted by on Jul 8, 2022 in Air Conditioning Repair | Comments Off on 3 Tips for Keeping Air Conditioning Repair Costs Down July 8th, 2022

If you have central air conditioning in your home, you know how high air conditioning repair costs can be. But there are things that you can do to help ensure that your system is running well. These three things below will help you with keeping your air conditioning repair costs down. 1. Updating Your Thermostat The first thing that you can do to help your air conditioner run better is to update the thermostat. Doing this will help it run a lot more efficiently and it will also let you control it through an app. This way you can...

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