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4 Myths About Botox

These are four myths that many people believe about getting Botox

Everyone ages, and the aging process affects us differently. You may find that your skin is getting more and more wrinkly or saggy. This is normal, but if it truly bothers you, have you considered getting Botox injections? If so, chances are that there are some myths that you believe about them. Below are 4 myths about Botox that are commonly believed.

  1. The Injections Hurt

The majority of patients say that the sensation was just a little pinch or even hardly felt the injection. The needles are specifically made to make it comfortable.

  1. Your Face Will Freeze

A lot of people think that when they get a Botox injection that they won’t be able to make any facial expressions. If you have a skilled person doing the injection, you will still be able to make all of the facial expressions as before.

  1. It’s Only Good for Facial Lines and Wrinkle Removal

It’s used for a lot of different medical conditions, and it used to be used for treating strabismus, which is a condition of the eye muscles. But these days it’s used for a lot of different things.

  1. Your Wrinkles Will Get Worse if You Stop

This is a myth a lot of people believe. Botox isn’t going to make the formation of wrinkles worse. The wrinkles are going to return slowly to the way they were once you stop.

These are four myths that many people believe about getting Botox. If you really think that you want to try it and your doctor thinks it can help you, don’t let the myths stop you. Talk to your doctor about the benefits of having this done and how it can help your life. You will find that it can truly make a difference in how you look and feel.