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The Importance of Honey Bee Removal

honey bee removal is better than honey bee extermination

It can be difficult to want to “save the bees” when they are infesting your backyard or home. However, it is becoming increasingly important to save the bees and not exterminate them. Here are a few reasons why honey bee removal is better than honey bee extermination.

  • Rapidly Declining Population: Bee populations have been rapidly declining for years. The declining rate of these populations has been going down at an increasingly rapid rate, so it is very important to rescue the ones that we can. Things like “Colony Collapse Disorder” are problems that are causing bee populations to plummet, but no one knows why. To prevent the collapse of colonies, it is important to relocate bees when they find their way onto your property, rather than exterminate them.
  • Effect on the Environment: Bees are an important part of the ecosystem and allow plants to pollinate with one another. Without bees plants would struggle, which would mean all animals would struggle as well. The exact effects of a dying bee population are not exactly known, but it is assumed to be devastating.
  • Agriculture: As mentioned, plants suffer when bee populations decline, and an important ecosystem of plants is farming. Without bees farming becomes difficult. Bees are necessary for sustaining human populations through farming.

While bee extermination seems like an easy way out, honey bee removal is far better. Consider honey bee removal if your property is ever infested. For your safety, contact a professional honey bee removal company to do this.