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3 Common Bee Removal Mistakes to Avoid

the best solution is to call a bee removal professional

Bees are a common problem for a lot of homeowners. If you have found a beehive on your property, bee removal is likely in your plans. But there are three bee removal mistakes that you should avoid making. Below are three mistakes that many homeowners make.

  1. Using a Broom or Stick to Swat at a Beehive

A lot of people make this big mistake. If you knock the hive on the ground, it’s going to disturb those bees inside and greatly increase your chances of being stung. The hive may not look active but looks can be deceiving.

  1. Spraying the Hive with Insect Killer

This is another big mistake that people make when it comes to getting rid of bees. There may be thousands of bees in the hive, and there’s no way that a can of bug spray is going to take care of them. Yes, you might kill some of them but there are plenty of others who will come out and take revenge on their fallen comrades.

  1. Using Something to Cover the Hive

Even though this is commendable that you want to capture your bees and don’t want to kill them, you don’t want to do it this way. Even though it’s possible you’ll be able to trap some of them, there’s a good chance that you’re also going to be swarmed right away.

If you have found a hive on your property, rather than trying to get rid the bees yourself, the best solution is to call a bee removal professional. Don’t put yourself or your family in danger by attempting to do it yourself. Bee removal professionals will have the equipment and knowledge to do the job effectively and safely.