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Why Is Bee Relocation So Costly?

When looking for bee relocation services When bees decide to make residence on your property you may think this is the perfect thing for a beekeeper. You are giving them bees for free, all they have to do is pick them up. While it sounds like beekeepers would want to do free bee relocation services, their services are not often free. There are many reasons why beekeepers’ services are not free, and here are a few reasons why bee relocation services can be so expensive.

  • Time and Energy: A beekeeper’s time is not free, so while they have the potential to benefit from bee relocation, they are still using up a large chunk of their day to perform the task. If a beekeeper can choose between doing a free relocation service and taking a day off, they probably would take the day off.
  • Equipment: Owning and running equipment for bee removals is expensive. Resources will need to be expended in order to complete a job, and someone will need to pay for them.
  • Safety: Beekeeping can be a dangerous game when talking about removing swarms. Different kinds of bees can be varying levels of dangerous, and even with proper precautions there is still a high chance of danger.
  • Compatible Bees: Not all bee populations and species they relocate will be compatible with their own property. This means the bees will need to be relocated out into the wild, which will grant the beekeeper no financial benefit.

While beekeeping is rewarding in itself, and collecting bees can be helpful to a beekeeper, bee relocation tends to cost beekeepers money. When looking for bee relocation services be aware that bee relocation is not free for the beekeeper and will probably not be free for you either.