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4 Safety Precautions to Follow During Auto Repair

4 Safety Precautions to Follow During Auto Repair

Auto repair is a great job. There’s so much joy and satisfaction in seeing a vehicle that was once in pieces or broken down fully functioning again due to your fixing skills. However, it can be dangerous, especially if you don’t have the knowledge, tools, or equipment for the job. If you’re planning to DIY your damaged car, here are some safety precautions you should never downplay:


  1. Have a Fire Extinguisher Nearby

There’s no telling when or if a fire may break out as you repair your vehicle. You should, therefore, have easy access to an extinguisher. Ensure that your extinguisher is charged with the right materials to put out the type of fire, be it electrical, gas, or oil.


  1. Don’t Smoke in The Garage or Repair Bay

It’s not just for professionalism’s sake. There’s a valid reason to keep a cigarette away during auto repair. Cars have combustible and flammable liquids that can burst in flames if hot ash from a cigarette happens to land on them.


  • Disconnect the Battery First

Even when you have turned off your car, current may still pass through electric wiring. Go the extra mile and disconnect the battery when you’re working around electric wiring or working on electrical systems.


  1. Wear Protective Gear

Regardless of the extent of the repair, you’re always safe in an auto repair situation if you have protective equipment such as ear protection, goggles, and gloves. You can also put on an overcoat for maximum safety.