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3 Mistakes to Avoid Making After a Car Collision

3 Mistakes to Avoid Making After a Car Collision

When you are in an auto collision, there are a lot of mistakes that you want to avoid making. Before you worry about getting auto collision repair, below are the top three mistakes to avoid after you have been in an auto collision.

  1. Saying You’re at Fault

The first mistake people make after an auto collision is to say that they are at fault. Even if you believe that you are at fault, you don’t want to say this. It could go against you in the future.

  1. Not Calling the Police

The second mistake to avoid making after an auto collision is not calling the police. It’s always a good idea to have a police report because otherwise the other person might say that there is more damage than there is. Having a police report is a good idea and your insurance might require it. Regardless, it’s a good idea.

  1. Not Taking Pictures

The third mistake that you want to avoid making after a car accident is to not take pictures. You want to take pictures of the damage to your car and to the other person’s car. You also want to take pictures of where it happened. This can help your insurance company with figuring out what happened.

These are three mistakes that you want to avoid making when you are in an auto collision. Even if you think that it’s a minor accident, these mistakes can be very costly if you make them. So, remember them and try not to make them the next time you’re in an accident.