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Pros and Cons of Types of Air Conditioners

Pros and Cons of Types of Air Conditioners

Looking at different types of air conditioners can be difficult because there are so many different types it can be hard to choose which one is right for you! It is hard to balance cost, efficiency, and performance when considering your own needs. Here is a short guide to some different types of air conditioners you should consider.

  • Fan: While not exactly its own air conditioning unit, a fan helps humans built-in air-conditioning work better, and at a lower cost than any machine air conditioning unit.
  • Portable Unit (No Tubes): One compelling option is little plug-in units that only require water and do not need to be vented outside. The problem with these is that while they have a tiny price tag, they also lower the temperature only a little bit. Without an exhaust port to send warm air outside, a unit will struggle to do much.
  • Portable Units (Tubes): These units are similar to the above unit, except the have tubes that port the warm air outside. They are effective at creating a small pocket of colder air in one room but are not effective at creating a lasting cooling effect. They are cheaper than the options ahead, and are portable, but are not meant to cool an entire apartment long term.
  • Window Units: These are incredibly common, and incredibly effective. They are boxes that hang halfway out of a window and blow the hot air outside. They are relatively inexpensive; however, they are not effective at cooling much farther than the room they are in, making them optimal for apartments but not houses.
  • Central Air Conditioners: These are common for houses or apartment complexes. They are very effective at cooling an entire interior system and can be fairly efficient. They are expensive and will cost a lot to install. However, on a house they are a worthwhile investment.

There are so many types of air conditioning systems out there it can be hard to decide. However, the size of your space and your budget are good indicators of which air conditioners you should invest in.