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4 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Air Conditioning System

4 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Air Conditioning System

Replacing your air conditioning system can get very expensive very fast, so if it can be avoided that would be great. It can be hard to know at what point the repairs of the unit are going to surpass the cost of having it replaced and starting from the beginning, however. Here are 4 signs that it is time to replace your air conditioning unit and start fresh.

  1. No Cold Air: It goes without saying, but if your air conditioning system repeatedly struggles to give you cold air or strong flow then it may be time for a change. A new system will be able to blow cold air much more effectively.
  2. Repeated Repairs: If air conditioning repair is becoming a regular thing then it might be time to replace. If a few years’ worth of repairs is greater than the cost of installing a new system, then it may be time to replace the system.
  3. Age: If your air conditioner is older than 10 years then it may be time for a replacement. At its best, a unit can last up to 15 years, so if you are in the 10-15-year range then it may be time for a change.
  4. Utilities: If your utility bill is going up and staying high, then it may be time to get a new air conditioning system. Repairs can help lower the bills, but if the price keeps creeping back up then it may be time for a new unit.

Knowing when to replace your air conditioning unit can be difficult, but it does not need to be. If your air conditioning system is showing these signs that it needs to be replaced, then it might be time to get a new air conditioning system.