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Air Conditioning Repair vs. Replacement: What to Consider Before Making a Decision

Air Conditioning Repair

Experiencing issues with your air conditioner is always a headache, but knowing when the time for repairs is over and that a replacement is necessary can be tricky. Below, you’ll find some insider tips for what to consider when you’re deciding between an air conditioning repair and a replacement.

  • Age– The predicted lifespan of an air conditioner can vary depending on the brand, model, and usage, so knowing when your unit has reached the end of its expected lifespan can be a challenge. Seek the professional advice of an AC technician, who can offer insight into the expected lifespan, and whether your unit is old enough to have reached the point where repairs are no longer viable options.
  • Cost– While an air conditioning repair may be the cheaper option at first, the cost of frequent repairs often adds up to be more than a replacement. It may be more financially savvy to invest in a newer, more reliable unit than risk losing money on multiple repairs and still having to replace the unit in a few months.
  • Energy Efficiency– As technology advances, air conditioners are more effective while using less energy. Consider if a replacement would save you money in the long term on utility bills or if your unit is operating efficiently enough that a repair is still the more financially sound decision.
  • Comfort– At the end of the day, an air conditioner is a comfort appliance. When your unit cannot keep the temperature and humidity levels comfortable even after an air conditioning repair service, it’s likely time to invest in a unit that will do its job and keep your home cool.

When you’re in doubt about whether to repair or replace, it’s always a good idea to seek the advice of an air conditioning technician you trust. They can provide a fair assessment of your unit, budget, and particular circumstance and help you decide between an air conditioning repair or replacement.